Thursday, January 15, 2015

Managing Caregiver Stress Through Resilience

On Tuesday, January 13, I had the honor and pleasure to present, in conjunction with Janet Edmundson of JME Insights, a Free Webinar on Managing Caregiver Stress Through Resilience. Many caregivers are considered to be "hidden patients," for they fail to notice the signs of stress in their own lives. With their attention so focused on the care and needs of their loved one, their own potentially harmful symptoms go unnoticed. The warning signs of stress can attack so subtly and lead to an increase in physical and mental health deterioration.

The opportunity to hear a recording of this free webinar is now available. Simply click here and you'll be able to access the program via Go To Meeting.  Of course, if you have any questions, please do contact me.

Have a joyful day everyone. And remember to live a flourishing life.


To learn more about how you can live a flourishing life, please visit my web site,