Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Psychology Today

A few weeks ago I was honored to have my Stress Management course at Bay Path College discussed in a Psychology Today blog. Dr. Ron Breazeale, in his blog "In the Face of Adversity,"  wrote about how potentially adverse events and circumstances "come in all shapes and sizes, and how distressful they are is usually determined by our perception of them." He went on to write that if we believe that "we have the ability to meet the challenge, or if the demand of the situation is not an important one, we aren't stressed. However, if we don't believe we have the skill or knowledge to manage the situation, but believe we must handle it well, we will feel stressed."

Training and education about resilience skills and attitudes is key. Last summer I began offering a stress management course to students in the Bay Path College One-Day-A-Week Saturday Program, an accelerated, full-time degree program for women looking to earn an undergraduate degree. The women who enter the One-Day-A-Week Saturday Program are seeking to transform their professional and personal lives.

The course examines the concepts of stress and its effect on physical and mental performance, how to recognize and tackle stress indicators, examines effective communication and stress reduction, the importance of understanding our past and its affects on stress, breaking through old patterns of thinking, the importance and value of developing a resilience plan, and an in-depth analyses of the factors and characteristics that make up resilience. By the end of the course, the students create for themselves a personal stress management and resilience-building plan.

To read Dr. Breazeale's blog, "In The Face Of Adversity" go to http://www.psychologytoday.com/em/53107.

Have a joyful day everyone. And remember to live a flourishing life.

To learn more about how you can live a flourishing life, please visit my web site, www.liveaflourishinglife.com.

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